Vacant Property Scheme Malta

Vacant Property Scheme Malta
Vacant Property Scheme Malta. The Maltese Government has recently launched a new property scheme. This targets owners of vacant properties. They can receive a grant of up to €25,000 to refurbish their home whilst committing themselves to renting out that property to the Housing Authority. This for a period of ten years. Aimed at reducing the number of vacant and derelict properties. The scheme runs up until the 20th of February 2018. One can avail themselves of the scheme if their property has been empty for every more than 1 year. Newly built properties will not be eligible for the refurbishment funds since it has to be a minimum of 30 years old.
Works covered by the grant money include extraordinary structural changes, water and electricity works. Furthermore works on drainage and plumbing as well as permanent solutions for humidity, works on the facade, and refurbishment of bathrooms, tiles, apertures and internal doors.
All relevant conditions and the application may be found online on
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