9 am to 6 pm

Monday to Saturday

Become a Virtual Agent

Serviced of Virtual Office in Malta
  • Everyone can do it!
  • Refer Property Owners.
  • Refer Potential Customers.
  • No need to be some IT guru.
  • Earn some money.


At lettinginmalta.com, all you have to do is promote our services as residential space experts, register online and add information of prospective owner/customer. All this, from the comfort of your home.

Do you know of somebody who is searching for a residential property to let in Malta? Are you well connected with the igaming industry? Fancy some extra money? Turn your social skills into money notes!
As a virtual agent you can refer clientele searching for residential properties in Malta. We will do all the work.
On any referred clients which do finalise a deal with us, we are offering 10% of the final earnings.

Do you know of somebody who is moving out of their house? Are you moving out? Do you know of any vacant apartments or houses to let? Turn your residential hunting skills into money!
As a virtual agent you can refer owners with vacant property in Malta.
On any referred owners which do finalise a deal with us, we are offering 5% of the final earnings, 10% if HD photos are presented.